Friday, November 21, 2008

Turkey Worship

I was a pilgrim when I was 7. I have a picture. I wore a white apron-type thing made from butcher paper and a cool hat. My friends were Indians. They ran around school shouting, “Hiyahyayhiya” and attacked people. It was fun. Since dressing as an attack Indian or a religious zealot is totally not PC anymore, it's nearly impossible to dress up elementary kids for Thanksgiving. So, we decided to be turkeys. I love my students, partially because they are so willing to be goofy. Nothing could’ve persuaded them that their outfits were ridiculous and should not be worn in public. They wore them in the hallways, to the bathroom, to the library and even to lunch. I realized about half-way through chapel that 12 of my students were in full turkey attire singing praise and worship. I couldn't help but laugh. Yep, I was that teacher, and they were those kids, and I loved it.

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